Donate: to give, esp. to some philanthropic or religious cause; contribute

Support Our Cause

Room Redux

Room Redux operates through grants and donations from you. Your gift helps transform the rooms of children who may otherwise not have a way to change their environment. We spend on average $2,500 per Room Transformation depending on the scope of the project and how many children are in each room.

Each room transformation is tailored to the children’s taste and interests and always includes a new mattress and bed, new flooring if needed, paint, a t.v. or laptop if needed, and decor. We want to transform the bedroom into a refuge for the child. A room that they love and a room that they aren’t expected to give something in return for.

For one-time or recurring donations, click a link below to be directed to a secure donation platform.

For inquiries regarding grants and larger-scale donations, please contact Michael at

One-Time Donation

Recurring Donation

210-744-7688 |

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